Dr. Nebojsa Kovacina

Physician Advisor

image of Dr. Nebojsa Kovacina

Dr Kovacina has been involved in the implementation of quality improvement initiatives in a national setting with the College of Family Physicians of Canada, in Ontario, and across Quebec. As a practicing family physician at the Groupe de médecine de famille universitaire at St. Mary’s Hospital in Montreal, Quebec, he has led, supervised and implemented over 20 quality improvement initiatives with interdisciplinary teams. In 2017, Dr Kovacina became the Director of the Quality Improvement Program at the Department of Family Medicine at McGill University and is the president of the working group on quality improvement based at the Collège Québécois des Médecins De Famille. As a founding member of the community of practice for long term care homes in Quebec, he has significant experience in building multi-jurisdictional communities of practices.

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